PEC 6×1: 67% of posts on social media were in favor of the project, says research

The discussion about the end of the six-day work schedule for one day of rest, the so-called 6×1 scale, proposed by the Life Beyond Work Movement, became a phenomenon on social media.
The conclusion is from the Nexus survey – Research and Data Intelligence, which analyzed around 30 thousand publications on the topic on the five main networks: X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok.
The study shows a 2,120% increase in the number of posts on the topic across the five platforms, from 539 on the 7th to 11,969 on the 12th. In the same period, the volume of interactions – likes, comments and shares of posts – grew 5,513% , going from 267,124 to 14,995,806.
The Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) presented by the federal deputy Erika Hilton (PSOL-SP) establishes working hours of a maximum of 36 hours per week, putting an end to the 6×1 scale.
Of the total content, 67% were in favor of the PEC of abolishing the 6×1 scale, 26% were neutral and only 7% were against it. Data was collected from November 7th to November 12th. In total, 40% of all interactions were concentrated on November 12th, the peak day for the topic in the digital environment.
6×1? 4×3? What does the PEC on work scale propose and how does it work abroad?
The text must still undergo numerous modifications and is unlikely to be approved in its current format, according to experts
“The topic became a phenomenon on the networks. In addition to showing the efficiency of the PEC promoters’ narrative, the phenomenon also demonstrates the interest of Brazilians, regardless of their political party position, in speaking out about the topic on social media. The subject strongly united society, whether people from the right, center or left”, assessed Marcelo Tokarski, CEO of Nexus, in a note.
The 100 posts considered most relevant on each of the social networks analyzed were also analyzed. Together, these 500 publications concentrated 91% of the total engagement – considering the 30 thousand posts. Engagement includes interactions with posts, including likes, comments, and shares.
“We observed that the vast majority of people who speak out on social media defend the PEC, which wants to change the working day to 5×2, instead of the working day with just one day of rest”, pointed out Tokarski.
He considers that the result does not necessarily mean that only 7% of Brazilians are against the proposal, as people who criticize the PEC may not have spoken out because they are a minority or because the issue is sensitive. “But it makes clear the tendency for Congress to receive strong popular pressure for the approval of the PEC”, he highlighted.
(With Agência Brasil)