Senate Committee debates the impact of tax reform on Simples Nacional

The Economic Affairs Commission (CAE) debates, this Thursday (3), the impacts of tax reform regulation on Simples Nacional companies and service outsourcing companies.
The public hearing is the 17th in a cycle of debates that began in July with the arrival in the Senate of Complementary Law Project (PLP) 68/2024, which regulates changes to the rules for collecting taxes on consumption.
With Constitutional Amendment 132, five taxes (PIS, Cofins, IPI, ISS and ICMS) will be replaced by the Tax on Goods and Services (IBS), the Contribution on Goods and Services (CBS) and Selective Tax.
Second meeting
The meeting is a complement to the debate held on Tuesday (1st), which also dealt with Simples Nacional — a special tax regime to favor smaller companies.
On the occasion, senator Izalci Lucas (PL-DF) suggested a new meeting so that more data can be presented on the advantages and disadvantages that companies will suffer.
“It’s a very delicate issue, especially because most of the companies are from Simples. It’s for us to have this more clearly in relation to these numbers”, stated the senator.
Doctor in Economics Marcos Cintra Cavalcanti de Albuquerque and the president of the Federation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism (Fecomércio/DF), José Aparecido da C. Freire, were invited.
Tax reform
Authored by the Executive Branch, PLP 68/2024 will not be voted on in the CAE, but the president of the collegiate, senator Vanderlan Cardoso (PSD-GO), created a working group to debate the project, chaired by Izalci.
The text was approved by the Chamber of Deputies in July and is now awaiting the appointment of a rapporteur at the Senate’s Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ). Even so, the plenary agenda is already closed, as it is being processed urgently.
(With Senado Agency)