Who are the “black kids”, soldiers arrested for plotting the murder of Lula and Moraes

You “black kids” They are members of the Brazilian Army’s Special Forces, an elite group highly trained for extreme risk and secrecy operations. This Tuesday (19), four members of these troops were arrested by the Federal Police (PF) on suspicion of planning, in 2022, a coup d’état that included the assassination of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, vice-president Geraldo Alckmin and the minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Alexandre de Moraes.
Understand below what the group is, where it came from, how its training works and what its involvement in the coup plot is, as determined by the PF.
Origin and name
The expression “black kids” is an informal nickname given to Special Forces personnel due to their wearing a black cap as part of their uniform. Created in 1957, the special forces are known for their role in counterterrorism, counterguerrilla and sabotage operations, as well as irregular warfare missions, such as insurgencies and rescues.
According to the Army, by 2023, there were approximately 2,500 members in the Special Forces, mainly distributed in the 1st Special Forces Battalion, in Goiânia, and the 3rd Special Forces Company, in Manaus. They act under direct orders from the Army Command and the Special Operations Command.
Read more: Bolsonaro’s secretary is arrested in investigation into plan to kill Lula and Moraes
Rigorous training
The training process for “black kids” is highly selective and requires candidates to go through three stages:
- Military Parachutist Course (six weeks), which introduces volunteers to aerial operations.
- Commando Actions Course (four months), with intensive training in conditions of sleep and food deprivation, in addition to extreme physical demands.
- Special Forces Course (five months), focused on strategic missions and intelligence.
Members are trained to act in situations disconnected from the traditional chain of command, allowing them to carry out camouflaged and autonomous actions.
According to generals interviewed by the newspaper Folha de S.Paulothe extreme training conditions of this group result in an equally more extreme character.
Featured Operations
The “black kids” have already participated in important missions, such as pacification in Haiti and security during the World Cup in Brazil, dedicating themselves especially to preventing terrorist attacks. The skills of these military personnel include infiltration, sabotage, strategic planning, psychological operations and military intelligence.
Involvement in coup plot
The Federal Police revealed that the group arrested this Tuesday planned a coup d’état after the 2022 elections. The plan, called “Green and Yellow Dagger”, had the following objectives:
- Assassination of Lula, Alckmin and Moraes: Investigations indicate that the group prepared a “detailed operational plan” to execute political leaders.
- Coup against the State: According to the PF report, the military would use its advanced techniques to attack the Brazilian State itself and prevent the elected government from taking office.
Those arrested include four soldiers linked to the Special Forces:
- Brigadier General Mario Fernandes (reserve), former executive secretary of the General Secretariat of the Presidency in the Jair Bolsonaro government;
- Lieutenant Colonel Helio Ferreira Lima;
- Major Rodrigo Bezerra Azevedo;
- Major Rafael Martins de Oliveira.
Furthermore, Federal Police agent Wladimir Matos Soares was also detained.
What the Army says
In a note sent to the website G1the Army highlighted that Special Forces only act under superior orders and within a legal framework, respecting rules of engagement. The Goiânia Special Operations Command also released a video celebrating the group’s 65th anniversary, reinforcing the troop’s motto: “The ideal as motivation. Selflessness as a routine. Danger as a brother. Death as a companion.”
(with G1, O Globo and Folha de S.Paulo)