Alcolumbre promises the advance of tax agenda and insists on respect between the powers

BRASILIA (Reuters)-The President of the National Congress, David Alcolumbre (Union-AP), guaranteed on Monday that Parliament will advance on the tax agenda and hit the key of the need for respect between the powers, in a message to the judiciary .
“The Brazilian wants to grow, wants to undertake or live with dignity. And we have to be the instrument for this to happen. We will advance on the tax agenda, job and income generation and the fight against inequalities, ”said the senator at an opening ceremony of the legislature.
“It is essential that each power respects its functions and limits. Congress has its autonomy and prerogatives, ”said Alcolumbre at the session, in the presence of the president of the Supreme Court (STF), Luís Roberto Barroso.
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Learn more: who is David Alcolumbre, the new president of the Senate
Elected president of the Senate and Congress last Saturday, Alcolumbre specifically cited parliamentary amendments as instruments indispensable to parliamentary activity. The funds of the budget whose destination is defined by deputies and senators have been in the center of malaise between the judiciary and the legislature, in an arm wrestling around transparency and traceability of these values.
“The recent controversy on parliamentary amendments to the budget illustrates the need for mutual respect and continuous dialogue,” said the senator.
“The decisions of the Federal Supreme Court must be respected, but it is equally indispensable to ensure that this parliament is not curtailed in its primary function of legislating and representing the interests of the Brazilian people, including bringing resources and investments to their region.”
Currently, parliamentarians control almost a quarter of the resources available for government investments and implementation through parliamentary amendments, a participation that has grown significantly in the last decade and has become partly of imposing execution.