BC financial autonomy: rapporteur projects PEC vote only in 2025
The vote on the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution that deals with the budgetary and financial autonomy of the Central Bank (PEC 65/2023) should be held next year, according to the text’s rapporteur, senator Plínio Valério (PSDB-AM).
“Based on the analysis that I already have from the House, everything indicates that it will be until next year”, stated the parliamentarian, this Tuesday (8), in the Senate plenary.
Proposed by senator Vanderlan Cardoso (PSD-GO), the PEC had the contribution and great support of the president of the BC, Roberto Campos Neto. The government, however, never hid that it would not like to approve the project during the term of office appointed by former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL).
The vote on the PEC has even been postponed several times in the Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ), due to maneuvers by the government leader in the Senate, Jaques Wagner (PT-BA).
Also read:
- BC’s financial autonomy: what could change if Congress approves the PEC?
- BC’s financial autonomy will operate independently of the government, says rapporteur
- BC’s financial autonomy: government should be against reading the report, says Wagner
- Lula criticizes the operational autonomy of the BC and defends “a person appointed by the president”
- Senate approves Gabriel Galípolo, who will assume presidency of the Central Bank in 2025
Senate approves Gabriel Galípolo, who will assume presidency of the Central Bank in 2025
Director of Monetary Policy at the Central Bank, Gabriel Galípolo was executive secretary of the Ministry of Finance under Fernando Haddad (PT). He will succeed Roberto Campos Neto as head of BC
In the last movement, on August 14, Wagner asked to see the text after Valério had promoted changes. The president of the CCJ, Davi Alcolumbre (União Brasil-AP), promised that he would put the text on the agenda at the commission’s next in-person meeting.
Valério complained about the lack of a government position on the issue and said that he would take his report to be processed with or without the Executive’s statement. The parliamentarian would have received a promise of support from the president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), and from Alcolumbre, but that ended up not being implemented, according to him.
The rapporteur explained that he was very pleased in a recent conversation with the director of Monetary Policy at the BC, Gabriel Galípolo, who praised not only his text but also the initiative to make the autarchy operationally autonomous in 2021. “I was very happy with the feedback of Galípolo, who was in favor of the PEC”, he commented.
(With Estadão Content)