By decree, Trump imposes ‘classical’ aesthetics on arts and dismantles culture

The original objective of the law was to “raise the importance” of these sectors as “critics for democracy and public life.” The program guarantees federal investments for the country’s cultural infrastructure, especially in historically abandoned or disadvantaged areas. For the sector, the law was fundamental to support the creative economy, as well as artists, students and institutions in needy places.
“The arts, humanities, museums and library services are essential for the well-being, health, vitality and democracy of our nation,” explained the introduction of the law. “They are the soul of the US, reflecting our democratic and multicultural experience,” he said.
The law established art as a public policy, “especially for those who are historically not met.”
For the Every Library, which supports libraries throughout the US, the revocation of the law “is a direct blow to the recognition and support of libraries, museums and cultural organizations as founding pillars of society.”
According to them, Trump’s decision threatens “undermine the ability to have access to cultural education and preservation, as well as civic engagement, and at the same time sends a broader sign of rejecting its importance.”
“The decision not only harms professionals, but also weakens communities that depend on them,” he warned.