Haddad says that the 1st Eco Invest auction raised R$45 billion for sustainable projects

The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad (PT)said, this Friday (18), that the first auction of the Eco Invest program leveraged R$45 billion in financing for sustainable projects from R$7 billion contributed in a “blended finance” instrument, which mixes public capital and private.
“The public contributes R$1 and the private sector contributes at least R$6, a low-interest resource to leverage ecological transformation projects”, stated the minister during the launch of the Believe program, in São Paulo (SP) .
Lula nods to the MEIs: “There is a part of society that does not want to have a formal contract”
“People want to work for themselves, set up a business,” said Lula during the announcement of new initiatives aimed at micro and small entrepreneurs, a group traditionally refractory to the government
“In border areas, we are not talking about the old industry, we are talking about the most modern in the world,” added Haddad.
Eco Invest was launched this year by the Brazilian government to mobilize private capital through financing lines and protection systems against exchange rate volatility for green projects. The first auction took place a week ago, on October 11th.
At the event, Haddad once again stated that Brazil needs to return to growth, at least the same as the world average. The minister stated that there is no “silver bullet” that will solve Brazil’s growth problem.
(With Reuters)