Lula talks about exploring oil near Amazonas and denies Marina’s responsibility

The president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva He said on Wednesday (5) it was necessary to find a solution to explore oil on the equatorial margin, and said that the obstacles to this activity are not the responsibility of the Minister of the Environment, Marina Silva. Lula made the statements in an interview with radios in Minas Gerais, but talked about the subject without being asked.
The equatorial margin is an oil exploration range that passes through the Northeast coast and northern Brazil, as well as neighboring countries. One of the excerpts with oil possibly viable for exploration is about 500 km from the mouth of the Amazon River – which experts point to a small distance because of the capacity of sea currents carry oil in the event of leakage.
There is a lot of political pressure around the theme. One of the main stakeholders is Senate President David Alcolumbre (Union-AP). Possible exploration would be on the coast of Amapá, a state of alcohubre, and would increase local revenue.
I want my access
“There is a confusion in the press, I don’t know why, trying to play on top of the companion Marina the responsibility for not approving oil exploration on the Equatorial Margin of the Amazon River. Marina is not responsible, ”said the President of the Republic.
“We want oil, because it will still exist for a long time. We have to use oil to make our energy transition, which will need a lot of money. And we have, close to us, Guyana and Suriname researching oil very close to our equatorial margin. We need to make a deal. Finding a solution in which we guarantee the country, the world and the equatorial margin that we will not detonate a tree, nothing from the Amazon River, nothing from the Atlantic Ocean, ”said Lula.
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Petrobras says he has met Ibama’s demands on equatorial margin
“Petrobras is the company that has the most exploration capacity in deep water. We have an extraordinary example of not causing problems with the environment, ”said the petista. “We, from the government, will have to find a solution for us to explore this wealth, if it exists, for the benefit of the Brazilian people,” he said.