Moraes eases precautionary measure and authorizes Anderson Torres to care for his mother with cancer

The minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), relaxed a precautionary measure imposed on the former Minister of Justice Anderson Torres and allowed him to leave the house at night and on weekends, temporarily, to take care of his mother, who has cancer.
Torres’ defense had asked the magistrate to revoke the night and weekend seclusion order on the grounds that his father, at an advanced age (73 years old), is unable to take care of his 70-year-old wife alone.
After the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) expressed favor to the former minister’s defense request, Moraes decided, this Saturday (23), to make the precautionary measure more flexible.
The judge highlighted, however, that the exception is temporary and is only valid for Torres to travel from his residence to his mother’s house.
Torres will continue to fully comply with other precautionary measures, but the use of an electronic ankle bracelet and a ban on leaving the Federal District.
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“The exceptional nature of the situation authorizes the relaxation of the electronic monitoring precautionary measure, so that the defendant can provide assistance to his mother with the care necessary for the treatment of her health”, noted Moraes, in the decision. “It is worth highlighting the provisional nature of this decision, which does not exempt the applicant from complying with the other precautionary measures imposed on him”, emphasized the STF minister.
Torres was Minister of Justice in the government of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL). He is being investigated for his alleged involvement in the attacks on the Três Poderes buildings on January 8, 2023. At the time, he served as Secretary of Public Security for the Federal District.

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The suspicion is that Torres was negligent and connived at the attacks. On the day of the undemocratic acts, he was in the United States. The former minister was arrested, by decision of Moraes, but received provisional release in May last year, with the imposition of precautionary measures.
Last Thursday (21), Torres was one of 37 indicted by the Federal Police (PF) in the investigation investigating an alleged attempted coup d’état after the 2022 elections to prevent the inauguration of then-elected president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). Bolsonaro himself and other members of his government’s leadership are also on the list of indictees.