Moraes overturns the confidentiality of the PF investigation into an alleged coup and sends a document to the PGR

The minister Alexandre de Moraesof the Federal Supreme Court (STF), this Tuesday (26) overturned the confidentiality of the Federal Police (PF) report on the investigation investigating the alleged attempted coup d’état in Brazil, in 2022, at the end of the government of then president Jair Bolsonaro (PL).
In his decision, Moraes also confirms the maintenance of secrecy regarding the plea bargain made by Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid, Bolsonaro’s former aide-de-camp.
In that same order, the judge also orders the sending of the PF document to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR).
Last Thursday (21), Bolsonaro and 36 others under investigation were indicted by the Federal Police (PF) for involvement in the alleged coup attempt. Bolsonaro was indicted for the crimes of violent abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law, coup d’état and criminal organization.
Generals were also indicted Augusto Helenoformer minister of the Institutional Security Office (GSI); and Walter Braga Nettoformer Minister of the Civil House and Defense and candidate for Vice President of the Republic in the 2022 elections.
Among the 37 indicted are also the federal deputy Alexandre Ramagem (PL-RJ)former head of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin) in the Bolsonaro government, and Valdemar Costa Netonational president of PL, party of the former president of the Republic.
Bolsonaro’s indictment by the PF takes place within the scope of the investigation investigating the alleged coup attempt to keep Bolsonaro in power, at the end of 2022, after the victory of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) in that year’s elections.
“In the case of the ongoing investigation, although the need to comply with the numerous steps determined required, in principle, the imposition of secrecy, where the investigative measures are carried out, it is certain that, given the presentation of the final report and compliance with the required measures by the police authority, there is no need to maintain the advertising restriction”, explained Alexandre de Moraes when removing the confidentiality of the report.

Bolsonaro: ‘You can’t stage a coup with a reserve general and half a dozen officers’
Bolsonaro returned to Brasília to meet with his lawyers to discuss the next steps after his indictment by the PF for a coup d’état to stay in power
What are the next steps
The indictment by the PF does not mean that Bolsonaro and the other 36 people being investigated have already become defendants or are guilty of the crimes. This can only happen after the eventual trial of the case.
The first step in this long process was taken by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, rapporteur of the case at the STF, with the forwarding of the PF report to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR).
The highest body of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), from now on, will have a period of 15 days to decide whether to file a complaint against those involved, close the case or request new steps before taking a position.
This stage must be completed by mid-December, just before the start of the Judiciary’s recess period, on the 20th.

Lula criticizes the market and says that the economy “will grow 3% or a little more than 3%”
In his speech during a construction sector event, Lula once again said that his government is committed to making Brazil “return to democratic normality” and “civilizing normality”.
STF may or may not accept the possible complaint
If the PGR presents the complaint, it will be up to the Supreme Court ministers to decide whether there are elements for it to be received – that is, the Court will decide whether to transform those reported into defendants in the process.
If this happens, it is likely that in February 2025, after the end of the Judiciary recess, the phase of witness statements, final arguments and production of new evidence will begin.
Once this stage is completed, the Supreme Court will consult the PGR again to find out if there will be any complement or response to the demands eventually presented by the defenses.
From then on, in theory, the case will be ready to be judged by the Court. It will therefore be up to the STF to judge those involved, deciding whether they are guilty or innocent.

PF marks testimony of military officer investigated for plotting the death of Lula, Alckmin and Moraes
Lieutenant Colonel Rodrigo Bezerra de Azevedo is the only one of the five arrested by the PF who is not on the list of 37 indicted for violent abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law, coup d’état and criminal organization
The investigation
The investigation into Bolsonaro and the other 36 indicted by the PF involves everything from speeches by authorities from the former government against electronic voting machines and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) to the so-called “coup draft” and the facts revealed by Operation Countercoup, launched last Tuesday (19) by the PF, according to which a coup d’état and even the assassination of Lula, vice-president Geraldo Alckmin (PSB) and the minister Alexandre de Moraes.
The investigation does not, however, include the attacks on the headquarters of the Three Powers of the Republic, on January 8, 2023, in Brasília (DF), which are under the purview of another investigation.
Operation Countercoup
The investigations involving Operation Contragolpe, launched last Tuesday (19), are related to a broader investigation by the Federal Police into the alleged activities of a criminal organization along 5 axes:
1) Virtual attacks on opponents;
2) Attacks on institutions (such as the Federal Supreme Court and the Superior Electoral Court), the electronic voting system and the health of the electoral process;
3) Attempted Coup d’état and violent abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law;
4) Attacks on vaccines against Covid-19 and health measures in the pandemic and;
5) Use of the State structure to obtain advantages, with the use of fund supplies (corporate cards) to pay personal expenses, insertion of false vaccination data against Covid-19 in the Ministry of Health systems, and diversion of assets from high asset value handed over by foreign authorities and subsequent concealment.
This operation is related to axis 3: “Attempted Coup d’état and violent Abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law”.
According to investigators, illicit operational actions were carried out by military personnel trained in the Army’s Special Forces (FE) (the so-called “black kids”). Initially, the idea was to monitor the activities of Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court, for later “execution of his illegal arrest and possible murder”.
Reports indicate that such monitoring would have started shortly after the meeting, held on November 12, 2022, at the residence of Walter Braga Netto, former Minister of Defense and the Civil House in the Bolsonaro administration.
Also in the plans were the murders of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and Vice President Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), newly elected at the time, in an attempt to prevent the new government from taking office.
According to the Federal Police, the movements to consummate a Coup d’Etat peaked between November and December 2022 and were called “Copa 2022” by those involved.
The evidence was identified based on the analysis of data from the cell phone seized from Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid, Bolsonaro’s former aide-de-camp, and exchanges of messages with Marcelo Câmara, Bolsonaro’s former advisor, who joined the investigation into alleged embezzlement of jewelry received by the politician during his term in office.
“The conduct identified by the investigation demonstrates that this core group used a high level of technical-military knowledge to plan, coordinate and execute illicit actions, which also involved the monitoring of Minister ALEXANDRE DE MORAES”, report the investigators in document cited by the judge in the decision.
“The operational actions identified were intended to ensure the arrest of the aforementioned authority, if the Coup d’état were to be consummated, or, alternatively, its execution”, they continue.
“With planning, coordination and execution typical of a special military operation, the actions demonstrate a detailed action plan that involves anonymization techniques, clandestine monitoring and illicit use of public resources”, they assess.
The investigations point to the writing of a draft Coup d’Etat decree, which would have involved the involvement of President Jair Bolsonaro himself. According to PF agents, the then president would have analyzed the document, suggested changes and sought support from the military, with mention of General Estevam Theophilo Gaspar de Oliveira. The movement would not have had the support of General Freire Gomes, then commander of the Army.
“The objective of the criminal group was not only to ‘neutralize’ Minister ALEXANDRE DE MORAES, but also to extinguish the winning presidential ticket, through the assassination of President LULA and Vice President GERALDO ALCKMIN, as set out in the operational planning called ‘Yellow Green Dagger ‘, prepared by general MARIO FERNANDES”, he stated.
According to investigators, the Special Operations military involved in the actions created a secret group entitled “Copa 2022” on the Signal platform to discuss an alleged plan whose main objective was the arrest and murder of Moraes. The plan would be to capture the magistrate on December 15, 2022, three days after Lula and Alckmin graduated.
In the “2022 World Cup” group, those involved used code names in reference to countries, such as Germany, Austria, Japan and Ghana, to “not reveal their true identities”. The telephone lines were connected to CPF numbers of people who had no involvement in the plan. The name “2022 World Cup” was also used in a document that would have resource estimates to subsidize the clandestine actions being planned.
“The set of actions identified by the police investigation was called, by those investigated, ‘World Cup 2022’, containing ‘typical elements of a military action planned in detail, however, in the present case, of a clandestine nature and contaminated by an absolutely anti-democratic purpose”, he describes Moraes in the decision.