PT requests filing of PL that provides amnesty for those convicted by 8/1

The PT presented this Wednesday (20) to the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira, a request for Bill (PL) No. 2,858 to be archived, which provides for amnesty for those convicted of the attempted coup d’état on the 8th of January 2022.
The document was delivered by the president of the PT, federal deputy Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR), and by the party leader in the Chamber, federal deputy Odair Cunha (PT-MG). In a statement, the PT assessed that continuing the project is “untimely” and “inconvenient” for democracy.
“This was fully demonstrated by the recent bomb attack against the headquarters of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) in Brasília and by the conclusions of the Federal Police in the January 8 investigation, revealing plans to assassinate President Lula, vice Geraldo Alckmin and minister Alexandre Moraes”, highlighted the statement.
“In addition to demonstrating the very serious criminal plot of the coup leaders, who could benefit from the proposed amnesty, the prospect of pardon or impunity for those involved has served as a stimulus to far-right extremist individuals or groups, say the deputies.”
The Federal Police (PF) launched this Tuesday (19) an operation to dismantle a criminal organization responsible for planning a coup d’état to prevent the inauguration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva after the 2022 election. The plan included the murder of Lula and vice-president Geraldo Alckmin.
The corporation reported having identified the existence of “detailed operational planning”, called Punhal Verde e Amarelo, which would be executed on December 15, 2022. “The arrest and execution of a minister of the Federal Supreme Court were still in the plans ( STF), which was being continuously monitored, in case the coup d’état was consummated”, highlighted the PF.
Four Army soldiers and a PF agent were arrested in the operation.
Minister Alexandre de Moraes, rapporteur of the case at the STF, authorized the preventive detention of retired general Mário Fernandes and lieutenant colonels Hélio Ferreira Lima, Rafael Martins de Oliveira and Rodrigo Bezerra Azevedo. The four are members of the Army’s Special Forces, also known as “black kids”, highly specialized in guerrilla actions, infiltration and other elite military tactics.
The preventive arrest of PF agent Wladimir Matos Soares, suspected of involvement in the plan, was also authorized.