Voting on the Budget Guidelines Law could be delayed until 2025, says rapporteur

The vote on the 2025 Budget Guidelines Bill (PLDO) could be postponed until next year if President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) does not quickly sanction the project approved by Congress that regulates parliamentary amendments, said the senator Confúcio Moura (MDB-RO), LDO rapporteur, to the newspaper Economic Valueon Monday (25).
According to the newspaper, Confucius plans to read the preliminary opinion, which opens a period of ten working days for congressmen to present amendments, at this Tuesday’s (26) meeting of the Mixed Budget Committee (CMO), called by the president of the Committee Mixed Budget, deputy Julio Arcoverde (PP-PI).
However, according to the report, the rapporteur recognizes that without the sanction of the new rules for amendments the scenario becomes more complicated.
The LDO should have been approved in July, but the debate is stagnant, as is the Annual Budget Law (LOA), which was sent by the government in August. Congressmen want to release payment for the amendments before moving forward with the budget laws, arguing that one thing depends on the other and that it is necessary for the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to rule on the project approved by Congress to regulate the amendments.
The project was sent to the government on Thursday, but has not yet been sanctioned by Lula. Therefore, according to parliamentarians, the reading of the reports is suspended. Government officials admit that the chances of the 2025 Budget being approved before the end of the year are increasingly slim.
Confúcio stated that he will seek out the minister of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations (SRI), Alexandre Padilha, to ask for urgency in resolving the impasse on amendments and guarantee, at least, the approval of the 2025 budget guidelines.