Biden’s optimism with ceasefire is exaggerated, experts say

Pro-Western alliance was strengthened. Bruno Huberman, professor of international relations at PUC-SP, claims to be able to partially understand Biden’s statement from an American point of view: “In fact, there was a strengthening of this pro-Western alliance there in the Middle East and in fact there was a weakening of the opposing force, which is the Axis of Resistance”.
But people in the Middle East still show solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Huberman says Biden’s phrase, however, is limited. This is because, according to him, pro-Western forces put themselves in power through extreme violence. “In this way, legitimacy will be very limited. Because the people of the Middle East still have a very strong element in solidarity with the Palestinian cause,” he says.
The human cost was high. According to the PUC-SP professor, there was a high human cost. “Thousands of Palestinian deaths, thousands of deaths in Lebanon, thousands of deaths in Syria. Western countries historically have an alliance formed so that the horrors of the Second World War would not be repeated, but, in a way, the horrors are repeated, not more in Europe, but on the periphery of the Middle East.”
The Israeli offensive achieved important results. For Samuel Feldberg, professor of international relations and specialist in the Middle East, the Israeli offensive achieved important results. According to him, Israel destroyed most of the arsenal and infrastructure and eliminated the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as Iran’s anti-aircraft defense, and broke the “ring of fire” created by Qassem Soleimani, an Iranian general killed in 2020. .
A better future would depend on international engagement. “Israel’s geopolitical situation is much more favorable today than before October 8, despite the terrible price paid by Israeli society. A better future for the region will depend on international engagement”, analyzes Feldberg.