Confederation of municipalities highlights lack of chicken pox and covid vaccines; government denies

In the statement, the Ministry of Health reported that the department distributed 3.7 million doses of vaccine against Covid-19 to the states, of which 503 thousand were actually applied, which indicates sufficiency of doses at the state level. For 2025, the ministry reported having reinforced stocks of immunization agents.
Whooping cough
In third place is the insufficiency of the triple vaccine, against pertussis, diferia and tetanus, reported in 520 municipalities (18% of the total surveyed). According to the CNM, the vaccine was missing on average for 60 days in the affected municipalities. In 2024, pertussis cases rose almost 2,000% compared to 2023, with 4,395 records as of November 27, the majority in Paraná. So far this year, there have been 17 deaths, 16 of which in children under 1 year old.
The research also points to insufficient meningococcal C vaccine against serogroup C meningitis, unavailable in 375 cities (12.9%); tetraviral, which combats measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox, unavailable in 337 municipalities (11.6%); and yellow fever, unavailable in 280 municipalities (9.7%).
The Ministry of Health reported having sufficient stocks for the next six months of vaccines against meningitis and pertussis.
In addition to ensuring that 100% of the states’ needs are met, the Ministry of Health reported that the distribution of vaccines is transparent. The ministry highlighted that any citizen can consult, on the ministry’s interactive panel, the remittances sent from the distribution center in Guarulhos (SP) to the states. The statement highlighted that, per year, 300 million doses are distributed to 5,570 municipalities through the National Immunization Program (PNI).