“For us, the more people who pass, the better”, says Lula about Enem

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva stated that the National High School Examination (Enem) test is “sacred” and said that, for the government, “the more people who pass, the better”.
The declaration took place this Sunday (3), at the headquarters of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep). Lula visited the institution to check the operation of the Enem 2024 Monitoring Room, a test administered on November 3rd and 10th. The “situation room” checks real-time occurrences during the exam, such as access to the Participant Page and the functioning of the classrooms.
“This test they are taking is sacred,” said Lula. He also welcomed the dedication of those enrolled to their studies and defended Enem as a means of accessing the job market. “For us, the more people who pass, the better.”
Accompanying Lula are the ministers of Education, Camilo Santana, of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, and of Health, Nísia Trindade, as well as the substitute minister of the Attorney General’s Office (AGU) Flávio José Roman, the president of Inep, Manuel Palacios, and the first lady, Janja da Silva.
The 2024 edition of Enem has 4.325 million confirmed subscribers, of which 1.6 million are high school graduates. The test is administered from 1:30 pm in 1,753 municipalities in more than 10 thousand test locations and approximately 140 thousand rooms. More than 300 thousand people work as collaborators in the Enem operation.
Read more:
- Enem 2024: Timetables, what to take and more: everything about the 1st day of tests
According to Inep, 60.59% of confirmed registrants are women, and 39.41% are men. Furthermore, 2.750 million registrations are free, and 1.575 million are paid. The municipalities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro have the highest numbers of registrations (194,968 and 142,141, respectively).
This Sunday’s stage contains 45 language questions (Portuguese Language, Literature, Arts, Physical Education, Information and Communication Technologies and Foreign Language – English or Spanish) and 45 human science questions (History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology). In addition, there is a 30-line essay. Next week’s test will have 45 questions from natural sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Biology) and 45 from Mathematics.
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- Enem Army: 500 thousand employees in 27 units of the federation