Haddad has a meeting with Lula this Tuesday

The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, has a meeting with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, starting at 3pm this Tuesday, 21st. This is the only appointment on the minister’s agenda for this Tuesday.
On Monday, the 20th, Haddad participated in the government’s ministerial meeting.
How the Estadão/Broadcast showed, the minister presented 25 goals on the economic agenda for 2025 and 2026, the second half of the Lula 3 government.
Among the measures are the strengthening of the fiscal framework, the tax reform on income, with exemption from Income Tax for those earning up to R$5,000 per month, Lula’s campaign promise, and the creation of a minimum tax for the richest – proposals already announced by the government together with the spending containment package, but not yet sent to Congress.