Hugo Motta defends fiscal responsibility and amendments in 1st speech after victory

The new mayor, Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), said on Saturday, 1, in his first speech ahead of the position that defends economic stability is to defend social stability, and mentioned fiscal responsibility.
The deputy also defended parliamentary amendments, mechanism for distribution of appeals by congressmen being questioned in the Federal Supreme Court. He spoke shortly after taking over the chair of president of the house, who received from now former President Arthur Lira (PP-AL).
“You can no longer discuss the obvious. Nothing worse for the poorest than inflation, the lack of stability in the economy, ”he said, mentioning fiscal responsibility as a way to this stability. “There is no democracy with social chaos, there is no social stability with economic chaos. We will defend democracy because we will also defend the best practices of the best economic policies, ”said Motta. He stated that “we cannot continue to penalize our people.”

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Hugo Motta: Who is the youngest president of the House of Representatives
Training physician, Hugo Motta is 35 years old and born in João Pessoa, capital of Paraíba
“The Brazilian people do not want the division of ideology, but the multiplication in their daily lives,” said the new president of the house. He stated that the convergences build. He said he started his management under the impact of “the confidence deposited”. He had 444 votes of 513 possible. He said he will serve Brazil in his term.
Hugo Motta said the legislature “never advanced in any prerogative.” The statement is a response to the analysis that the increase in parliamentary amendments is a usurpation of executive power. However, he said to be favorable to more transparency – to the House and the other powers. According to him, it is possible to improve the amendments, but their recent increases are a path without return. “In 2016, through the imposing amendments, Parliament is with the origins of the constitutional project,” he said.
Hugo Motta made several references to Ulysses Guimarães. For example, that the politician’s memory must “illuminate hearts and minds.” He said “live democracy” and that has “hate and disgust” to dictatorships. The deputy said that there is no strong parliament in dictatorships. “Ulysses claimed that absolute presidentialism ceased to exist with the new constitution,” he said. He also said that “he spent his finger time in his face, it’s time for his eye.”
It ended with a reference to the movie I am still here, which extols Eunice Paiva and criticizes the military dictatorship. “We are still here,” he said in a nod to leftist politicians. According to him, everyone needs to be with Brazil, in harmony with the powers of the Republic.