Marcos Pontes refutes Bolsonaro and reaffirms his candidacy for command of the Senate

Senator Marcos Pontes (PL-SP) countered Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and reiterated his pre-candidacy for the presidency of the Senate. Without mentioning the name of the former president, the senator from São Paulo stated on X (formerly Twitter) that “arrogance can close doors”.
“Arrogant people think they already know everything, that they are better than others, they disregard opinions and ignore feelings”, states an excerpt from a video published by the former minister this Tuesday, 21st, one day after Jair Bolsonaro said he was Pontes’ pre-candidacy for command of the Senate is “regrettable”.
The former president supports the name of Davi Alcolumbre (União Brasil-AP) to succeed Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG). “You know what is right. Be honest”, ends the video published by Pontes.
This Monday, the 20th, the former president complained about the “discipline” of his former Minister of Science and Technology and spoke of “honoring the word given”. “I elected you in São Paulo. I left aside there, among them, my friend Marco Feliciano, with a huge pain in my heart. But I left Marco Feliciano aside to support you. Is this the payment?” asked Bolsonaro during an interview with the YouTube channel AuriVerde Brasil.
According to the former president, Pontes has no real chance of being elected president of the Senate and is only thinking about himself. “The only way for us to be something within the Senate and not be zombies like we are today is to have a candidate. If we can’t win Rogério Marinho, who is a great articulator, it won’t be with you now”, said Bolsonaro, who, despite the criticism, wished “good luck” to Marcos Pontes’ candidacy.
In February 2023, Rogério Marinho, also a former minister in the Bolsonaro administration, lost the election to command the Senate to Rodrigo Pacheco by 49 votes to 32. The defeat cost the PL not only the presidency of the House, but isolation in all positions on the Board of Directors.
The Senate is one of Jair Bolsonaro’s priorities and that of his support base. In the 2022 election, the former president’s party elected the largest group of senators in the country. In that election, one third of the Senate was up for renewal; in the next vote, in 2026, each State will elect two new senators.
The PL expects to repeat its 2022 performance in the next election and further increase its representatives in the House. The objective is to approve agendas such as the impeachment of ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and amnesty for those convicted of January 8th.