New Mayor presents himself as a left and right conciliator

The new mayor, Deputy Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), published a video on his official Instagram profile performing and welcoming followers after being elected to lead the house on Saturday (1) .
The message was addressed to those who have just discovered the existence of the Paraiban politician and went to Google search service to locate references.
Searcher himself
“Look, nothing against Google, you can go there to search. But how now we will meet here on the nets every day, so I decided to make my own search engine. Welcome to Hoogle, ”he said.
In February 2024, Hugo Motta had 57,000 followers on Instagram. Even with speculation around his name at the end of the year, he maintained shy growth in the network and reached December with 80,000. Only with the election in the House was there an expressive leap. It gained another 30 thousand and reached 109 thousand followers.
In the debut video as head of the House, Hugo Motta attributed his victory to the ability to create consensus between leftists and rightists from the premise that “the center is not the absence of position, but absence of prejudice.”
I want my access
Center strength
“You, who keeps complaining that polarization hinders the country, looks here at the House. Of course every process has controversy. But polemicize, polarize, without paralyzing, is possible. This election is there to prove that we can reach consensus, ”he said.
At 35, Motta is in the fourth mandate of federal deputy. The first one was at 21. He is from a family that controls his electoral stronghold in the backlands of Paraíba for over five decades. He was elected president with the support of PT governors and opponents to PL.
“Democracy is a conversation. There is no single voice that is sovereign and dictate the desires. These are different desires that dictate our conversation. And this is the strength of the center, because the center is not the absence of position. It’s absence of prejudice, ”he said.