Quaest: Haddad and Eduardo Bolsonaro lead rejection among presidential to 2026

The Genial/Quaest poll released on Monday, 3, shows Fernando Haddad and Eduardo Bolsonaro as the candidates who would face the highest rejection among voters if the presidential elections were today.
The survey evaluated 12 national leaders on voting potential, rejection and whether or not interviewees are known.
The current Finance Minister appears with 56% rejection between voters who claim to know him but do not consider voting for him. Eduardo Bolsonaro’s rate is 55%.
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Former President Jair Bolsonaro and former Minister Ciro Gomes come shortly thereafter, respectively, the third and fourth places with 53% and 52% rejection.
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The other names tested were President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva; the singer Gusttavo Lima; former first lady Michelle Bolsonaro; Coach Pablo Marçal (PRTB); the governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans); The Paraná Governor, Ratinho Júnior (PSD); the governor of Minas Gerais, Romeu Zema (Novo); and the governor of Goiás, Ronaldo Caiado (União Brasil).
Caiado and Zema were the possible candidates with the highest acceptance among respondents, with rejection of 21% and 23%, respectively.
However, they lead how the voters most said they did not know (68% and 62%). Ratinho Junior and Tarcisio appear in rejection, with 32%. Pablo Marçal has 42%; President Lula and Michelle Bolsonaro, 49% and Gusttavo Lima, 50%.
In the ranking of the most unknown by the interviewees Ratinho Júnior and Tarcísio follow Caiado and Zema, with 51% and 45%.
Voting intentions
Regarding voting intentions, the survey simulated different scenarios for the 2026 elections, with Lula ranging from 28% when Tarcisio is in the dispute and 33% in the scenario without Tarcisio, Marçal and Eduardo Bolsonaro.
In the main scenario, Lula appears with 30%of voting intentions followed by Tarcísio de Freitas with 13%, Gusttavo Lima with 12%, Pablo Marçal with 11%and Ciro Gomes with 9%.
Romeu Zema and Ronaldo Caiado registered 3% each – scenario considered the most competitive, as it included the largest number of names tested, except Eduardo Bolsonaro. Undecil add up to 5% and white and null, 14%.
The survey listened in person 4,500 Brazilians 16 years or older between January 23 and 26 this year. The margin of error is one percentage point and the reliability index is 95%.