‘We have nothing left’: residents lose affection in fires in the USA
Stuffed animals. In the same area, resident Darrin Hurwitz packed some significant family items before leaving his home: some family heirlooms, such as pieces of art and his two daughters’ favorite stuffed animals, according to NBC.
Religious items. In the community of Topanga, Rabbi Mendy Piekarski managed to save some sacred items of the religion. He and his wife placed the holy Torah scrolls in the car before leaving, wrapping the bundles in tallit — a fringed garment used as a prayer shawl.
We treasure them very much and they are very valuable, so we made sure to take them to a safe location outside of Topanga. We would like to take other sacred objects such as prayer books, although we didn’t have enough time. It was about taking the most important things: our family and the Torah scrolls.
Mendy Piekarski, NBC Los Angeles
Passport and driver’s license. Brazilian Bruna Gonçalves, who lives in California as an au pair, managed to save only her documents. “We had 10 minutes to get ready: it was time to pick up the dog and a change of clothes for the children. I only took my passport and driver’s license,” said the BBC.
Our whole street burned. The children’s school burned down. Our house too. We have nothing left; absolutely nothing else. I don’t know what will happen to us now. I don’t even know if this family will be able to keep me here.
Bruna Gonçalves, BBC